P O W E R H O U S E A C C O U N T I N G – B L O G

Payroll Tips for Small Businesses

Powerhouse Accounting Services, LLC

July 24, 2021
Payroll can be one of the most confusing things to do especially if you are a small business owner with no financial background. It can also be time-consuming when you find your way around doing it. One thing to note is that when payroll is not done properly, it is easy to underpay or overpay an employee without detecting it. As a small business owner, you must take your payrolls seriously. The following are some of the tips to follow when doing payrolls for your business. 

Set your budget

Having a budget helps you to determine how much you are spending on your business. You must include employee wages in your budget to make it easier to detect whether you are underpaying or overpaying an employee. As an employer, you are required to pay for your employee’s Medicare as well as their Social Security. You must include everything in your budget.  

Classify all your workers

Classifying things into groups makes it easier to identify things when you are looking for them. When you classify your workers according to the role their playing for your business such as independent contractors and full-time employees. It is easier to identify how much you are paying in terms of wages, taxes, and other expenses. Many classification guidelines can help you classify your employees depending on where you live. When you classify your employees, find a way of implementing it into your payroll system so that nothing is missed.

Get a payment structure

A payment structure determines when you pay your employees and how often you are going to pay them. Some laws allow you to pay your employees on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Depending on the laws, make sure you comply with federal and state laws, you must identify the payment structure that best fits your business and make sure you are consistent with each payment, and never pay late.

Set up a payroll system

This is probably the most important tip to note. A payroll system helps you to calculate and manage the paychecks of your employees. There are many ways you can do depending on the resources you have available.  

There is a manual method which is done by hand. This method is one of the cost-effective ways of managing the paychecks of your employees. The manual method requires you spend a lot of time checking your calculations to ensure no mistakes are made. Rushing using this method can easily lead to errors. 

Another method is using software available on the market. Technology has made it easier to do many things and calculating and managing paychecks is one of them. There is much software that provides features to help you manage your paychecks which helps you to save time and further resources. 

If you have enough resources, you can hire qualified personnel to do your payroll for your business. When you are considering all these methods, you also must consider the number of employees you have in your business. For example, if you have only two employees you can use the manual method, but when you have many employees it is advisable to use the software method, or you hire a professional. 

Payroll Management Tips for Small Business- Brief Summary

Creating an internal payroll policy that all employees consult your organization makes the workflow of your organization more transparent. A small business must address payment details before issuing the first check payment to the employee. This will avoid errors, discrepancies, and misunderstandings.

Everyone in the organization should know how payroll works. Other variables, such as paid vacations, salary ranges, and other more detailed benefits, should be included in your policy. Communicate the policy to everyone in the company. Whatever the job function and position they occupy, they should be familiar with the payroll policy.

In conclusion, the payroll process is stressful but setting up your payroll properly from the beginning can reduce the pain later. As a small business, it is quite difficult to comply with everything you need to keep your payroll system smooth and in compliance with federal and state laws. But with the tips mentioned above, you can avoid problems in the future.




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